Yard Waste Recycling, High Point, NC

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Keep the waste your yard produces out of the landfill.

Green waste, which includes tree branches, plant trimmings, grass, and leaves, represents a large portion of waste produced by home and business owners in High Point, North Carolina every year. Instead of throwing your yard waste into the trash after every weekend yardwork session, recycling can prevent these materials from going to the landfill.

Yard Waste Recycling in High Point, North Carolina

At Best Disposal Inc., we run a convenient, comprehensive yard waste recycling program. We highly recommend having us help you with yard waste recycling instead of dumping this waste into the trash for the following reasons:

  • When you recycle your yard waste, you free up space in your trash can for other materials that can’t be recycled.
  • Recycling your yard waste means you no longer have to use plastic bags to gather up this waste. We do not require you to bag and tie your yard waste before pick-up.
  • Having us recycle your yard waste helps you contribute to conserving landfill space.

Choose us to help you with yard waste recycling, and you can be sure your yard materials will be picked up on time and handled the right way for the environment. Our process makes your life easier, so you can start enjoying your newly manicured yard right away instead of figuring out how to get rid of all that waste.

Stop letting your yard waste go into the trash can. If you have questions about our yard waste recycling program or you’d like to schedule a time for pick-up, get in touch with us today.

At Best Disposal Inc., we offer yard waste recycling services to those in Lexington, Greensboro, High Point, Asheboro, Burlington, Clemmons, Graham, Kernersville, Thomasville, and Winston-Salem, North Carolina.