What’s the Best Location for Recycling Containers in a Commercial Space?

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What’s the Best Location for Recycling Containers in a Commercial Space?In commercial spaces, recycling isn’t just about good intentions; it’s also about the strategic placement of recycling containers. Wherever you put them can significantly impact your building’s recycling rate. In this blog, we’ll be exploring a few prime locations for recycling containers that will turn good intentions into tangible results.

  • Next to Waste Receptacles. The buddy system isn’t just for field trips—it works wonders for recycling too! By placing recycling containers right next to trash cans, you’re giving your employees and customers a moment to pause and think, “Wait, can this be recycled instead?” The convenience factor will be key to encouraging participation.
  • Parking Lots. Think about it: people are emptying their vehicles of water bottles, newspapers, and other recyclables before heading into your business. Placing recycling containers near parking lot exits will encourage them to dispose of these items from their vehicles before entering the building. It’s a simple gesture that can have a big impact.
  • Break Areas. The office kitchen or break room is a recycling goldmine. It’s where your team hydrates and snacks, inevitably generating a ton of recyclable waste. When there are clearly labeled bins in these high-traffic areas, your employees will have an easier time doing the right thing in between bites.
  • Back Alleys. For restaurants and cafes, the back alley is where the recycling magic happens. This is where staff can easily sort glass bottles, cardboard boxes, and food waste without disrupting the dining experience. Providing dedicated recycling containers here will streamline the recycling process and reduce waste.
  • Street Entrances. First impressions matter, so why not make yours a green one? Placing recycling bins at your building’s street entrance sends a clear message about your values. It’s also incredibly convenient for pedestrians looking to dispose of recyclables responsibly.

Remember, every small action counts! By following these easy tips, you’ll transform your commercial space into a recycling powerhouse and contribute to a greener future.