Three Reasons to Use Compactors for Trash

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No matter what type of business you run, it is probably safe to assume that its daily operations produce quite a bit of waste. And while it might be sufficient for some businesses to simply dispose their garbage in a standard dumpster and wait for the trash collector to come by, some businesses have other needs that can be better met by compactors instead.

Three Reasons to Use Compactors for Trash

At Best Disposal Inc., we offer trash compactors for businesses throughout Lexington, North Carolina and the surrounding area. We are familiar with the advantages compactors offer to many commercial facilities, and we would like to discuss a few of them for your consideration. Here are three reasons to use compactors for trash:

  1. Saves Space – You may find that the amount of trash your business produces is too much for a regular dumpster, causing the trash to spill over the sides while you wait for a garbage truck to arrive and take it off your hands. Compactors create more space, so you won’t have to worry about clutter or running out of space.
  2. Reduces Volume of Landfill Waste – Compactors can be helpful in an environmental sense. Because they reduce the volume of the trash, the trash doesn’t take up as much space in landfills, which helps prevent the consequences of overflowing landfills.
  3. Prevents Pests – When your trash is compressed, it isn’t as easy for insects or animals to get to it. And by using a trash compactor and keeping pests away, you make way for a cleaner, safer, and more appealing property.