Home > Waste Management Blog > Cardboard Recycling for Retail Businesses

Cardboard RecyclingWorking in retail involves a massive number of cardboard boxes. This is true for grocery stores, clothing stores, office supply stores and just about any business that sells products to consumers. Of all items shipped around the world, about 90% of them are packaged in cardboard. Dealing with all that cardboard can be overwhelming, and just think about all that cardboard ending up at the landfill!

While cardboard does break down fairly quickly in landfills, it still isn’t a great solution for our planet because that means more cardboard has to be continually produced and that means billions of trees a year end up in landfills – what a waste! The answer to this huge material consumption and use of our planet’s resources is cardboard recycling. Consider that every ton of paper and cardboard recycled saves about 17 trees, 700 gallons of water, 46 gallons of oil and 9 cubic yards of landfill space! That alone is a great motivator to be involved in cardboard recycling.

Thankfully over 27% of the materials recycled today come from paper and cardboard, so that means plenty of homeowners and businesses are involved in cardboard recycling. You’ve also probably noticed that many of the products you use every day have been made from recycled paper and cardboard.

The average recycle rate for cardboard is now over 90%. Wouldn’t you like to be part of this necessary and worthwhile endeavor? Give us a call at Best Disposal Inc., in Lexington, NC to get started with a cardboard recycling program for your retail business. Let us be at your disposal!