Trash Compactors

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If you want to reduce the volume of trash that your Lexington, NC business produces, consider installing trash compactors.

Trash Compactors, Lexington, NCIf you own a retail store, shopping mall, or other business that produces a lot of garbage, you may want to add trash compactors to your property to reduce the volume of trash you produce. Most retail commercial businesses receive shipments of products in boxes, which add up to a lot of waste each day or week after a delivery. When you place the trash in an industrial trash compactor, it will crush it into a more manageable size, thus taking up less room in the dumpster and providing additional space for more trash to fit. When you compact the trash, you can work with our team to change the trash pick-up schedule, which can save you money if we don’t have to come as frequently.

There are several types of trash compactors: self-contained, pre-crusher, compactor transfer stations, stationary compactors, and compactor cart dumpers. The most commonly used type is the self-contained trash compactor, since it is fully enclosed and can handle both wet and dry trash. Pre-crusher compactors are best for businesses that frequently produce very large or bulky pieces of trash, since it has a strong steel bulkhead and powerful ram that crush the trash before placing it into the container. This is best for those who have high volumes of shipping pallets, crates, barrels, or construction materials.

Stationary trash compactors are smaller, so they work well in smaller stores, such as grocery stores and supermarkets, office buildings, department stores, and restaurants. At Best Disposal, Inc., we offer a variety of brands and styles of trash compactors to those in and around Lexington, North Carolina. Please contact us today for more information!

At Best Disposal Inc., we offer trash compactors to those in Lexington, Greensboro, High Point, and Winston-Salem, North Carolina.